ATMO Quiet and reliably on schedule
Acoustic and preventive grinding for urban rail networks

  • Acoustic grinding and preventive rail grinding helps prevent unwanted noise, vibrations, and consequential damages.
  • A newly developed work unit combines two working methods: oscillating grinding and sliding grinding.
  • The oscillating grinding units achieve a higher rate of removal compared to the sliding grinding method.
  • Particularly suitable for tram and light rail in urban track networks with very tight clearance gauges and a minimal curve radius of 17.5 m in working mode.
  • Flexible and independent operation - can be towed by a rail vehicle, lorry, and/or road-rail vehicle.
  • Can be used during regular operation.
  • Suitable for Vignole rails, grooved rails, and for rails embedded in the road surface.
  • No flying sparks thanks to grinding stone rinsing.



THE standard in tamping technology - Worldwide

Thanks to a brand new measuring and analysis method, it is now possible for the first time to observe the movement behaviour of ballast throughout the entire tamping process. In addition, the method provides an unprecedented level of detailed insight into the ballast condition. 

This mode uses four tamping unit segments. The outer segments can be slewed out far enough that the long bearers of the diverging rail in the turnout can also be tamped. This is an ideal supplement to automated synchronous 3-rail lifting. Positioned on transverse guide columns, the inner tamping units can be displaced laterally. This enables them to be operated in the area inside and outside the respective rails. All four tamping units can be turned and thus adapted to the slanting position of the sleepers.